Your trusted partner
for sales and rentals
in hotel safes
and minibars
since 1981
The company with the largest number of rental units in Spain and Portugal
Design and Security
With over 40 years experience in the hotel market, we have used our know-how to develop our hotel safes product line, the ELITE and the ECOSAFE. Our electronic hotel safes provide a high level of security to make the guest enjoy a more pleasant stay. Our objective is to develop safes with an innovative design and maximum quality, taking into account the importance of an easy to use and intuitive safe for the guest of the hotel. All our electronic safes have an audit trail system to allow tracing of the latest openings and closings. These safes include a mechanical opening component for emergency openings and, optionally, an electronic handheld opening device. Our online rental management system RentYourSafe provides added value to our safes.
Discover the benefits of renting safes and minibars.
Our company makes hotel equipment renewal very easy, through various type of agreements that require no investment from the hotel side. In these cases, we offer two principal options, a share revenue contract, or alternatively a monthly fixed fee agrement.
For hotels that own their safes, we offer maintenance agreements to ensure that technical assistance is always available. We have a specialized technical team that provides 24h service, 365 days per year. These type of agreements can include out calls services, spare parts and other services depending on the needs of the hotel.
ECOBAR Minibars are completely silent, low consuming and maintenance free
The ECOBAR hotel minibars provide a first class service for the guest. It is equipped with the latest low consuming absorption refrigerating system. They offer a completely silent operation, without any vibrations whatsoever, without fans or moving parts. This feature is essential for minibars that are placed in a hotel room, where the rest and comfort of the guest must be ensured without any noise. In addition, this silent operation, with the lack of moving parts, provides maximum reliability and a long life of the minibar. All our minibars come equipped with electronic thermostats with advanced intelligent autodefrost, for an optimized interior temperature control.

Revolutionary professional rental system
RentYourSafe is a system designed specifically for hotels that rent their safes, revolutionizing this business.
The RentYourSafe system improves the experience of your guests with a modern and personalized rental ticket, with clear instructions in the guests' own language (19 languages available today). This tailor made system allows for all sorts of personalized changes, such as including the hotel's logo, including ads inside the ticket, long stay discounts etc. The tickets even show simple diagrams to avoid any misunderstandings of the guest.
The online software simplifies and speeds up the work at Reception, by being able to generate tickets in less than 5 seconds from a simple and intuitive interface. The system registers every change providing complete control of the rentals, thus avoiding any errors or unaccounted rentals. Reception and Administration benefit from having rental Reports always available online in real time.
In Spain and Portugal, over 300 hotels use RentYourSafe every day.